Victoria County

Victoria County
This is Victoria County at a glance. All the places where we have C@P Sites!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

C@P Day in Victoria County!

Everyone had great plans for their C@P Days. It was not a nice day so we did not really get the turn outs we had hoped for, but that is alright. Great job to everyone and this is the update I received from everyone!

On C@P Day in Bay St. Lawrence, the library was holding an event on the same day so I took advantage of the kids being present. We did games and activities outside, there was cake served to the kids as well as some prizes. Then I took the kids inside the C@P site, and had them play some games on the computer. I showed them some new websites to play games on and let a couple of them make Facebook accounts, with permission from their parents. They had lots of fun and most spent the day hanging around the Site!

C@P day was celebrated at our Cyber Camp at Boularderie on July 14th. We played a game on internet safety ( and we did the blowing in the wind craft. We also took advantage of our new Flip cameras by making videos of the kids running around the gym using their wind crafts.

At our C@P DAY we had a great time with all the kids, even though not many showed up. They all came at around 12:00 and at that time they made paper bag animal puppets! They did a very good job and they had a great time doing it! After that we made them ice-cream sundaes, they loved that! We used the gym in the school for fun and games because the weather was not cooperating. When they got tired we made play-dough then we had a contest to see who could make the best sculpture, they all won and received prizes.

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